Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup, PB Sandwich, Fresh Veggies, Cheese Stick, Fruit, Cookie and Milk.
Breakfast tomorrow will be a variety of Breakfast Pizza.
Dress-up Days for Basketball Sectional:
Wednesday 28th – Jersey Day
Thursday 29th – Crazy Hat / Socks Day
Friday 1st – Black and Gold Day
Any Middle School girls interested in tennis…you will start practice today. Meet at the elementary school by 2:45. MUST have a sports physical turned in to the office to participate in practice.
Daddy Daughter Dance – UPDATE:
Friday, March 8, 2024
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Dressy Attire
$5.00 a person (Cash Only)
Hello Families of CMS Students!
It’s time to purchase your CMS 23-24 Yearbook!
They’re only $20! Ordering online is easy!
If you’d rather pay in person that’s okay, too!
Make checks payable to ‘CMS.’
If you have pictures you’d like to share to be featured please email:
Kara Taylortaylork@covington.k12.in.us
Lindsey Kemperkemperl@covington.k12.in.us
We have extra copies of last year’s yearbook. They are $20.00 each. Stop by the office if you would like to purchase one.