Wednesday December 13, 2023
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup, PB Sandwich, Baby Carrots and Celery Sticks, Cheese Stick, Cookie, and Milk.
Breakfast tomorrow will be a variety of Breakfast Pizza.
Call-out meeting in the cafeteria this Thursday, Dec 14th at 11:10 for any current 7th and 8th grade girls that want to play volleyball this fall.
NO SCHOOL…December 21st – January 3rd…Christmas Break
What is the best thing to put in a Christmas Cookie? Your teeth Congratulations to our winner…Darla Osborn!
Christmas Riddle of the Day: What do you call a snowman in the summer?If you know the answer…stop by the office to see Mrs. Booe. Answers must be submitted by 10:00 AM.(be sure to read tomorrow’s announcements for the answer)Congratulations to Mrs. Martin’s class for winning the Name That Candy – Sweet Christmas game yesterday! We will have a new game that will be sent out later this morning…Good Luck!
Thursday, December 14th: CMS/CHS Holiday Concert @ 7pm in the MPR.Please check the lost and found table in the hallway. Anything left after Christmas break will be donated. Also,Textbooks/library books and items like these are not to be left on the table…put them in your locker.
Holiday Dress-Up Days for Next Week:
Wednesday (12/13): Ugly Christmas Sweater – Wear the tackiest Christmas sweater and/or socks!
Thursday (12/14): Winter Wonderland – Dress in All White
Friday (12/15): Polar Express – Wear your coziest Christmas PJs!
Final Exam Schedule:
6th Grade:
Friday 12/15: Math
Monday 12/18: SS
Tuesday 12/19: ELA
Wednesday 12/20: Science
7th/8th Grade:
Friday 12/15: Math
Monday 12/18: Science
Tuesday 12/19: ELA
Wednesday 12/20: SS
Hello Families of CMS Students!
It’s time to purchase your CMS 23-24 Yearbook!
They’re only $20! Ordering online is easy!
If you’d rather pay in person that’s okay, too!
Make checks payable to ‘CMS.’
If you have pictures you’d like share to be featured please email:
Kara Taylortaylork@covington.k12.in.us
Lindsey Kemperkemperl@covington.k12.in.us
We have extra copies of last year’s yearbook. They are $20.00 each. Stop by the office if you would like to purchase one.