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Covington Community School Corporation
 Wednesday, 02-15-2023

Good morning CMS

Lunch today is a Variety of Pizza, Green Beans and Fruit Crisp.
Breakfast tomorrow will be Breakfast Pizza.

FCA will be having a special event Saturday, February 18th from 11:30-12:30 in the MPR. Kirby Myers, former student at Covington, will be back to share his work with FCA at the University of West Virginia. Food will be provided. Everyone is welcome!

NO SCHOOL: Friday, February 17th or Monday, February 20th.

YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE! Order now at inter-state.com/order
Use Order Code: 72731N or look up CMS
Cash/Check Orders Due: Wed. March 15th
Online Orders Due: May 1st
Extra order forms are in the Middle School office.


Submit your Candid Photos for us to use in the yearbook here:

Covington Community School Corporation
601 Market Street
Covington, IN. 47932
- Phone: 765-793-4877
- Fax: 765-793-5209
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