Wednesday, 02-08-2023
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup, Fresh Veggies, PB Sandwich and a Brownie.
Breakfast on Thursday will be Breakfast Pizza.
There will be a call-out meeting on Tuesday, February 14th during lunch for any 7th or 8th grade girl wanting to sign up for Middle School Softball.
Winter Sports Pictures – Today – Wednesday, February 8th: (Change of Location for Pictures)
MPR Time
Wrestling 2:45
6th Grade Girls Basketball 3:00
7th Grade Girls Basketball 3:15
8th Grade Girls Basketball 3:30
YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE! Order now at inter-state.com/order
Use Order Code: 72731N or look up CMS
Cash/Check Orders Due: Wed. March 15th
Online Orders Due: May 1st
Extra order forms are in the Middle School office.
Submit your Candid Photos for us to use in the yearbook here: