Tuesday December 19, 2023
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Bosco Sticks with Pizza Sauce, Baby Carrots with Ranch, Tater Tots, and Milk.
Breakfast tomorrow will be Sausage Gravy with a Biscuit.
NO SCHOOL…December 21st – January 3rd…Christmas Break ???????
Please check the lost and found table in the hallway. Anything left after Christmas break will be donated. Also, Textbooks/library books and items like these are not to be left on the table…put them in your locker.
Final Exam Schedule:
6th Grade:
Tuesday 12/19: ELA
Wednesday 12/20: Science
7th/8th Grade:
Tuesday 12/19: ELA
Wednesday 12/20: SS
Hello Families of CMS Students!
It’s time to purchase your CMS 23-24 Yearbook!
They’re only $20! Ordering online is easy!
If you’d rather pay in person that’s okay, too!
Make checks payable to ‘CMS.’
If you have pictures you’d like share to be featured please email:
Kara Taylor taylork@covington.k12.in.us
Lindsey Kemper kemperl@covington.k12.in.us
We have extra copies of last year’s yearbook. They are $20.00 each. Stop by the office if you would like to purchase one.