Tuesday, 12-13-2022
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Chicken Fajita, Refried Beans, Fajita Vegetables, Lettuce, Cheese, Salsa, Ranch/Sour Cream.
Breakfast tomorrow will be Sausage and Cheese Biscuit.
CHS Dance Team Winter Dance Clinic:
Grades 6 – 8
Saturday, January 7, 2022
9 AM – 12:30 PM
In the MPR
$20.00 (includes a T-shirt and snacks)
Pick up a flyer in the Middle School office for more information.
Holiday Dress-Up Days:
Tuesday: Ugly Christmas Sweater – Wear the tackiest Christmas sweater and/or socks!
Wednesday: Favorite Holiday Character – Dress like your favorite holiday Character!
Thursday: Holiday Best Dressed – Dress in your fanciest/or more sparkly holiday attire!
Friday: Polar Express – Wear your coziest Christmas PJs!
Middle School Final Exam Schedule:
6th Grade
Friday 12/16: Math
Monday 12/19: Social Studies
Tuesday 12/20: ELA
Wednesday 12/21: Science
7th/8th Grade
Friday 12/16: Math (with the exemption of 7th Grade Pre-algebra)
Monday 12/19: Science
Tuesday 12/20: ELA
Wednesday 12/21: 7th Grade Pre-algebra / SS Projects Due
If you are interested in the Covington Wrestling Club…stop by the office to pick up a flyer.
Covington Boys’ Basketball Hog Raffle:
Tickets – $10.00 each
Drawing – December 21, 2022 – Halftime of the Boys’ Holiday Tourney Game
Need not be present to win