Thursday, May 2, 2024
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Chicken Tenders, Cooked Carrots, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Hot Roll and Milk.
Breakfast tomorrow will be Sausage Patty and Pancakes.
There is a meeting today for any current 6th grade boys interested in playing basketball next year. It will be in the cafeteria at 11:05 (during your lunch).
The CMS Student Council is planning a food drive for the local food bank. This food drive will run May 6th – May 10th. Food should be brought to Mrs. Martin’s classroom. Names will be entered into a drawing for each item brought in (up to 5 entries).
Here are next week’s dress-up days:
Monday: Decades
Tuesday: Jersey Day
Wednesday: Red, White, and Blue Day
Thursday: Rhyme Without Reason
Friday: Beach Day
Items needed:
boxed potatoes
canned fruits and vegetables
any other canned items
toothbrushes The CMS Awards Program will take place on Thursday, May 23rd at 9:00am in the MPR.
Students may be signed out by their parents at the conclusion of the program; however, students may not be signed out by anyone else. If your child is planning to leave with someone other than a parent, we are requiring a signed note (not a phone call) be sent in by Wednesday, May 22nd.
*Before students leave on the 23rd, social studies projects must be turned in.
There will be a boys tennis callout on Friday May 3rd during lunch.
All Middle School library books need to be returned by Friday, May 10th. If you need a book to read after May 10th, you will have to borrow one from your teacher’s classroom or the public library.