Thursday, 05-25-2023
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Hot Breakfast and Hot Lunch.
Breakfast tomorrow will be Cereal/Pop-Tarts.
There is a football callout for all 8th graders who will be playing high school football…today at 2:45 in Mr. Wheeler’s room.
ATTENTION 6th and 7th Grade Boys: If you are interested in attending basketball camp June 7th-9th…please stop by the office to pick up a flyer.
The CMS Awards Program will take place tomorrow at 9:00 AM in the MPR.
Students may be signed out by their parents at the conclusion of the program; however, students may not be signed out by anyone else. If your child is planning to leave with someone other than a parent, we are requiring a signed note (not a phone call) to be sent in by today.
Note should include: Students name, who they are leaving with, and parent signature.
ATTENTION STUDENTS: Please check the lost and found table for items you may have misplaced. Anything left after May 26th will be disposed of.
If you are interested in attending the Youth Golf Camp sponsored by Rivercrest Golf Club and Joseph D. Henderson Family Fund…stop by the office to pick up a flyer.
Attention to all current sixth and seventh grade girls interested in signing up for middle school cheer next year. Please come to the office to sign up and get an information packet.
6th Grade Final Exam Schedule:
Monday – May 22 – Math
Tuesday – May 23 – Social Studies
Wednesday – May 24 – LA/Lit
Thursday – May 25 – Science
7th & 8th Grade Final Exam Schedule:
Tuesday – May 23 – Science
Wednesday – May 24 – LA
Thursday – May 25 – Math and Social Studies
Attention 6th and 7th graders: Covington Co-Ed Youth Soccer Camp forms are in the Middle School office.
Anyone interested in attending tennis camp June 5th – 8th should pick up a form in the middle school office.
USDA Meals for Kids Site Finder (Summer Site Finder)
USDA works closely with states to ensure that children who receive free or reduced-
price school meals can get the nutrition they need when schools are closed – whether
during summer break or unexpected closures during the school year. Through USDA’s
summer meal programs, approved sites in communities across the country can serve
meals to kids up to age 18 at no cost. Families can use this tool to find directions to
nearby meal sites, as well as their hours of operation and contact information.
The Summer Meals Site Finder has officially closed for the season now that
schools are back in session. Check back in early May 2023 when the Site Finder
will go live again for the 2023 summer period.
Families seeking food assistance for their children can also contact The USDA National
Hunger Hotline, operated by Hunger Free America. The hotline can be reached Monday
through Friday between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET. at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479)
(for English) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273) (for Spanish).
The Indiana Sheriffs’ Association will be hosting Youth Leadership Camp this summer from June 12th – 15th at Pine Creek Camp in Pine Village. Any current 7th or 8th grader is invited. If you are interested, come to the office for an application. Please see Mr. Pettit if you have any questions.