There will be a football callout meeting TODAY in the glass room during homeroom time. This will be to discuss the summer schedule for all students interested in playing this fall!
CHS will again offer summer school for credit recovery. Any interested student should see Mrs. Myers ASAP.
If you do not have a parking tag, please come to the high school office to get one.
If you have lost anything during the school year, please look on the lost & found table in front of the High School Office!
Baseball Sectional 54 – all games at LCC
Game 1Thursday 5/25 5:30 pmLCC vs Attica
Game 2 Thursday 5/257:30 pmCovington vs NV
Game 3Monday 5/2911:00 amWinner Game 1 vs winner Game 2
Game 4 Monday5/291:00 pm RP vs FC
ChampionMonday5/297:30 pm Championship
Softball Sectional 54 all games at Riverton Parke
Game 1Monday5/22 5:30 pm LCC vs Attica
Game 2 Monday5/227:00 pm Covington VS Riverton Parke
Game 3 Tuesday 5/23 5:30pm FC vs Game 1 Winner
Game 4 Tuesday 5/23 7:00pm NV vs Game 2 Winner
Champion Thursday 5/25 6:00pm Championship
Tennis Sectional 6 all games at Fountain Central (5)
Match 2 Thursday 5/18 4:30 pm Attica vs. Fountain Central
Match 3 Thursday 5/18 4:30 pm Covington vs. Match 1 Winner
Champion Friday 5/19 4:30 pm Match 2 Winner vs. Match 3 Winner