Monday, 03-10-2023
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich on a Bun with Baked Beans.
Breakfast on Monday will be Donuts.
Covington Crazy Clovers next 4-H meeting will be Tuesday, March 14th at 6:00 in Miss Davis’ classroom.
Flex Days – NO SCHOOL – Thursday, March 16th and Friday, March 17th
Spring Break – NO SCHOOL – Monday, March 20th – Friday, March 24th
CMS Honor Society Induction Ceremony – Tuesday, March 28th at 6:30 in the MPR.
8th Grade Spring Pictures: Thursday, March 30, 2023
Cheer tryout packets are available in the office for the 2023-2024 season. Practices begin Monday, March 27th with tryouts on Friday, April 7th. Girls in grades 8-12 can sign up, and pick up a packet that includes more information and tasks to be completed before the first practice. Questions can be sent to Dottie at dottievollmer@gmail.com
Any 6th grade girl wanting to play volleyball this year needs to sign up and pick up a schedule in Mrs. Pettit’s room this week. The season will start after spring break on Tuesday March 28th.
If you still want to sign up for middle school track, please get a paper from the office. Practices start after spring break. T-shirt forms are due by March 15th.
YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE! Order now at inter-state.com/order
Use Order Code: 72731N or look up CMS
Cash/Check Orders Due: Wed. March 15th
Online Orders Due: May 1st
Extra order forms are in the Middle School office.
Submit your Candid Photos for us to use in the yearbook here: