January 30, 2024
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Hamburger on a Bun, Tater Tots, Cherry Tomatoes with Dip, and Milk.
Breakfast tomorrow will be Waffles with Syrup.
Sports Pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, February 7th
Time: MS Gym MPR
2:45 6th Grade Girls Basketball MS Wrestling
3:00 7th Grade Girls Basketball
3:15 8th Grade Girls Basketball
All team members should be dressed in game uniform and prepared at least 10 minutes before their scheduled time.

The middle school dance will be February 3rd from 6-8 in the middle school gym. The dance is semi-formal and for any Covington Middle School student (no one from other schools may attend). The cost is $5 per person. Pictures and concessions will be available for purchase at the dance.Theme: Hollywood
*Students must have a random drug testing form on file in the office to attend all school dances.
Daddy Daughter Dance:
Friday, February 16th
6:30 – 8:00 PM in the MPR
$5.00 a person
For more information…text 765-585-2486
Hello Families of CMS Students!
It’s time to purchase your CMS 23-24 Yearbook!
They’re only $20! Ordering online is easy!
If you’d rather pay in person that’s okay, too!
Make checks payable to ‘CMS.’
If you have pictures you’d like to share to be featured please email:
Kara Taylortaylork@covington.k12.in.us
Lindsey Kemperkemperl@covington.k12.in.us
We have extra copies of last year’s yearbook. They are $20.00 each. Stop by the office if you would like to purchase one.