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Covington Community School Corporation
 Friday April 26, 2024

Good morning CMS

Lunch today is Cheeseburger on a Bun, Baked Beans, French Fries and Milk.

Breakfast on Monday will be a Breakfast Sandwich.

The middle school tennis played Benton Central last night. They only had 3 matches. Covington won all 3 in singles 

Malah Bridwell, Madi Holycross and Meredith Wright. Good job

The track team competed at the North Vermillion Invitational last night competing against the conference schools.  Everyone worked hard and most had their best performances of the season!  There were many 2nd and 3rds, with 6th grade competing as 7th graders. Congratulations to the following who placed first and earned a medal: Preslei Lazzell-100 and 200, 7th grade 4×100 relay team of Arya Chadd, Mackenzie Hauck, Abby Webster, and Aleea Hernandez, and the 8th grade 4×100 relay team of Kayley Lewsader, Haley Rottmann, Sophia Scott-Musa, and Preslei Lazzell.  Great job track team!  No practice today.

All Middle School library books need to be returned by Friday, May 10th.  If you need a book to read after May 10th, you will have to borrow one from your teacher’s classroom or the public library.

Hello Families of CMS Students!

It’s time to purchase your CMS 23-24 Yearbook! 

They’re only $20! Ordering online is easy! 


If you’d rather pay in person that’s okay, too!

Make checks payable to ‘CMS.’ 

If you have pictures you’d like to share to be featured please email: 

Kara Taylortaylork@covington.k12.in.us 

Lindsey Kemperkemperl@covington.k12.in.us

We have extra copies of last year’s yearbook. They are $20.00 each. Stop by the office if you would like to purchase one.

Covington Community School Corporation
601 Market Street
Covington, IN. 47932
- Phone: 765-793-4877
- Fax: 765-793-5209
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