Friday, 12-16-2022
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Popcorn Chicken, Mac & Cheese and Carrots.
Breakfast on Monday will be Donuts.
Students…please check your email for information regarding the 2023 CHS Cheer Clinic. Registration forms are in the Middle School office.
CHS Dance Team Winter Dance Clinic:
Grades 6 – 8
Saturday, January 7, 2022
9 AM – 12:30 PM
In the MPR
$20.00 (includes a T-shirt and snacks)
Pick up a flyer in the Middle School office for more information.
Holiday Dress-Up Days:
Friday: Polar Express – Wear your coziest Christmas PJs!
Middle School Final Exam Schedule:
6th Grade
Friday 12/16: Math
Monday 12/19: Social Studies
Tuesday 12/20: ELA
Wednesday 12/21: Science
7th/8th Grade
Friday 12/16: Math (with the exemption of 7th Grade Pre-algebra)
Monday 12/19: Science
Tuesday 12/20: ELA
Wednesday 12/21: 7th Grade Pre-algebra / SS Projects Due
If you are interested in the Covington Wrestling Club…stop by the office to pick up a flyer.
Covington Boys’ Basketball Hog Raffle:
Tickets – $10.00 each
Drawing – December 21, 2022 – Halftime of the Boys’ Holiday Tourney Game
Need not be present to win