Friday, 03-11-2022
Good morning CMS
Lunch today is Grilled Cheese, Baked Beans, Apple Slices with a PB Cup.
Breakfast on Monday will be Cheesy Omelet with Toast.
Attention 8th Grade Girls:
2022-2023 Cheer Tryout packets are in the Middle School office. If you have any questions, please contact Dottie at 765-585-1609 by text/phone call or email her at: dottievollmer@gmail.com
Today is the last day of Red Ribbon week. I hope you have enjoyed the lunchtime activities. Thank You for supporting healthy, drug free lifestyles. I hope that you’ve really thought about the meaning of this year’s theme Be Happy, Be Brave, Be Drug Free!
Today’s lunch room activity will be drug free jeopardy. I will need at least two teams to challenge one another. Please come see Mrs. Young with your team at lunch.
Any 6th grade girl interested in playing volleyball this spring needs to sign up and get a schedule in Ms. Ahrens room this week. Season will begin after Spring Break on Monday March 28th.
Today is the last day to order your Covington Middle School Yearbook…stop by the office to pick up a flyer/order form.
Please send in/email proof of residency for your student (if you haven’t already). Document must have your address and a current date on it. Examples are a current utility bill, telephone bill, tax return, medical bill or similar information that provides a verifiable address with a clearly identified and readable date.