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Covington Community School Corporation
 Friday, 01-06-2023

Good morning CMS

Lunch today is Fish Sandwich on a Bun with Carrots.
Breakfast on Monday will be Egg and Cheese Biscuit.

Any 7th and 8th grade girl that played volleyball or is interested in playing volleyball needs to meet in Mrs. Pettit’s room at 2:45pm today.

Middle School Dance…February 4th from 6-8 in the Middle School gym. The dance is semi-formal and for any Covington Middle School student (no one from other schools may attend). The cost is $5 per person. Pictures and concessions will be available for purchase at the dance.
*Students must have a random drug testing form on file in the office to attend all school dances.

Today is the last day to sign up for the 2023 CHS Cheer Clinic…registration forms are available in the Middle School office.

Covington Community School Corporation
601 Market Street
Covington, IN. 47932
- Phone: 765-793-4877
- Fax: 765-793-5209
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