Wednesday, 02-15-2023
WEDNESDAY, February 15, 2023
Covington High School Announcements
Honor banquet tickets are on sale now through the end of the day Thursday, February 16th. Please return the blue slip of paper with payment ASAP.
FFA Meeting Annex today during the first half of homeroom
Thursday, Ms. Sebastian will have an NHS meeting for all new sophomore and junior members in her room during homeroom.
FCA will be meeting Saturday Feb. 18th from 11:30-12:30 in the MPR. Kirby Myers, former Covington student ,will be speaking. Meal provided.
Any Junior or Sophomore wanting to participate in a CTE program for the first time, or the first year of a CTE program, MUST COMPLETE THE CTE APPLICATION. FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE THE EMAIL THAT MRS. MYERS SENT ON JAN. 31ST.
CHS Crazies Dress-Up Themes
2/18- neon
The 2022-23 CHS Yearbook is on sale now thru April 15th. The cost is $50. You may see Mr. Craig Sowers for an order form, or pick one up in the high school office. You may also order online at yearbookforever.com
Boys Basketball 2/18/23 JV/V @ South Vermillion 6:00 pm (A)
Swimming 2/16/23 CHS Boys @ Crawfordsville-Sectional TBD (A)