Tuesday, 11-09-2021
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Covington High School Announcements
Minecraft Build Challenge members have a team meeting during Homeroom in Mr. Field’s room TODAY!
Congrats to Jackson Frieze for taking home the W in last night’s IHSEN chess tournament.
Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.
There is still time if anyone wants an empty shoebox to fill.
The last school day to bring them in to me is Friday November 19th. Or I have also added a picture of the times I am open at the Church for shoeboxes to be dropped off.
Please let me know if you have any questions!! grissoma@covington.k12.in.us
Winter athletes, please submit your baby pics to athleticboosters@covtrojans.org by Monday, November 15th, for the winter program.
The Senior Announcement Committee will organize TODAY during Home Room in the Foods Room.
If you are in grades 7-12 and want to meet new people or see old friends, plan on attending this Callout meeting! We will be working on a holiday service project, handing out information on what to expect this year AND providing dinner. If you have thought about joining and haven’t this is your year!! Fountain County Fairgrounds – New Jr. Leaders Stand Building – Wednesday December 1st 6:30 p.m.
Contact Bailey Beasley if you have any questions or concerns @ 765-299-5798 Bring your appetite and have a great evening while helping others.
Any high school student interested in
tutoring elementary, middle or high school
students should let Mrs. Myers know.
The Covington High School Drama Club presents, “I’m Getting Murdered in the Morning”. on November 13, at 6:00 P.M. in the MPR. Two types of tickets will be sold: Floor seating for $7 and Bleacher seating for $5. Tickets can be purchased starting November 1, from Mrs. Linville in the High School Office. But hurry, people are dying to attend!
FRESHMAN: Middle School Yearbooks are still available in Mrs. Booe’s office. The cost is $20.
The 2021-2022 High School Yearbook is now on sale! If you purchase your book from now until the end of the month, your book will cost $45. After that, prices go up to $50. Paper order forms can be found in the High School Office as well as on Mrs. Hohenstein’s desk. If you would like to purchase your yearbook online, you can go to yearbookforever.com.
Parents: Please send in/email proof of residency for your
student (if you haven’t already). Document must have your
address and a current date on it. Examples are a current utility
bill, telephone bill, tax return, medical bill or similar information
that provides a verifiable address with a clearly identified and readable date.
Girls Basketball 11/11/21 JVGBB vs. North Putnam 6:00 pm (H)
11/11/21 VGBB vs. North Putnam 7:30 pm (H)
11/12/21 JVGBB vs. South Newton 6:30 pm (H)
11/12/21 VGBB vs. South Newton 8:00 pm (H)