The Senior Picture Committee will meet during Home Room TODAY! We will finish
the ballot.
The basketball soap fundraiser (boys and girls basketball) is due THIS FRIDAY. Order forms and money need to be turned in by FRIDAY at NOON!
FYI – The weight room is open in the mornings on Mondays & Thursdays from 6:45-7:30 am.
The Covington Trojans Volleyball team won the Wabash River Conference title on Monday with a 25-21, 25-14, 25-11 win over Riverton Parke. Maddix Minnick had 15 kills and 6 blocks for the Trojans, while Alex Sutherlin had 14 kills and 15 digs, Brooke Rottman had 5 kills and 15 digs, Peyton Brown had 38 assists and 5 aces, and Lilly Hacquet had 14 digs.
The Trojans are 21-8 overall, 7-0 in the WRC and will host Terre Haute South today.
For more information contact the church at 765-793-4399
Danville Area Community College is bringing Family Science Night back this fall!Have you ever wondered why hot air balloons float and submarines sink? How about investigating what makes a light bulb light or how to make slime? Do you know how much you weigh on Jupiter, Saturn, or Mars? Come to Family Science Night at DACC to find out the answers to these questions and many more. Through over 50 hands-on science activities, you and your family will explore these topics and learn about how science is all around us.Where: Mary Miller Gymnasium at DACCWhen: Friday, November 3rd, 5:30-8:00Who: All students and their familiesCost: FreeFor more information, contact Suzanna Aguirre(, Dr. Manny Rodriguez ( or Dr. Wendy Brown(
Any junior or senior interested in meeting with a representative from one of the following colleges needs to sign up on the google sheet Mrs. Brown shared with you – please check your email! Purdue University – Thursday, October 5th Manchester University – Tuesday, November 7th All meetings are in the glass room during homeroom.