Tuesday, 09-13-2022
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Covington High School Announcements
Attendants: Queen Candidates:
Freshman: Glennys McGurk Shayla Dunbar
Sophomore: Lilly McClellan Avery Jumps
Junior: Karma Kingery Micah Stonecipher
Elli Williamson
The Senior Homecoming Float Committee will organize TODAY during Home Room
in the Commons.
Seniors: You MUST order your Powder Puff Shirt by Wednesday. You must pay
$ 5.00 when you order. Contact Aubrey Allison to order. No late orders can be accepted.
Sophomores, get your shirt orders in BY Thursday THIS WEEK.
See Mrs. Coffing if you need another order form
High School picture day is TOMORROW!!! Seniors will need to get
their picture taken for an ID card only. Doug’s Studio will come at a
later date to take yearbook pictures.
The high school office is now selling snacks for $1 each. They have:
Doritos, Flamin hot cheetos, iced animal crackers, Muddy buddies, scooby cinnamon snacks, fruit snacks, whit cheddar popcorn, and chocolate tiger grahams.
Covington Trojan Athletics 4th Annual All-Sports Golf Scramble
Sunday, September 18, 2022
1:00 PM
Rivercrest Golf Club
To enter please contact the CHS Athletic Department
Any junior or senior interested in meeting with a representative from one of the following colleges need to sign up on the google sheet that was shared with you. All visits will be in the glass room during homeroom.
9/19 – Ball State University
9/26 – Marian University
9/27 – Purdue University
10/3 – Depauw University
10/6 – Indiana University
10/17 – Manchester University
11/7 – Lakeview School of Nursing
11/3 – Franklin College
Any Junior or Senior interested in going to the DACC College Fair on September 15, needs to sign the google sheet Mrs. Brown shared with you and pick up a permission slip in the guidance office. Must sign up by September 9th to attend.
The girls golf team competed in a quad match last night against Seeger, Attica, and Crawfordsville. Sydni Crain shot a career low competitive round of 41 and gained medalist honors.
Cross Country 9/13/22 CHS @ FC – Bi-County
Seeger/Attica/FC 5:00 pm (A)
Football 9/16/22 CHS @ South Vermillion 7:00 pm (A)
Golf 9/15/22 CHS vs Attica 4:30 pm (H)
9/17/22 CHS @ Sectionals/H. Hills 8:00 am (A)
Soccer-Boys 9/13/22 CHS @ South Vermillion 5:00 pm (A)
9/15/22 CHS @ Western Boone 5:30 pm (A)
Soccer-Girls 9/17/22 CHS @ Rossville 11:00 am (A)
Volleyball 9/13/22 CHS vs. Benton Central 6:00 pm (H)
9/15/22 CHS vs. Fountain Central 6:00 pm (H)
9/17/22 CHS @ Lafayette Jeff 10:00 am (A)