Tuesday, 04-12-2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Covington High School Announcements
There is a call out for any girl interested in playing soccer next year in Mr. Hegg’s room today during homeroom.
This is the last call for anyone wanting to take Mr. Morgan’s lifeguarding class April 30-May1. He has 2 slots left. Again they must turn 15 by May 1st.
Now through April 14, the National Honor Society of Covington High School will be partnering with other Wabash River Valley schools Attica, Seeger, Parke Heritage, Riverton Parke, North Vermillion, and South Vermillion to raise funds for humanitarian aid for Ukrainian children and refugees. All proceeds collected will be sent to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). Donations can be made online at https://unicefusa.donorsupport.co/-/NSVERALT or in person at Juli’s Java, House with the Lions Antiques, Agave Azul, and Overpass Pizza in Covington.
All Covington Community Schools will be hosting a change/money drive during the same time period. Students will donate in their elementary classroom, middle and high school students will donate in their first period classes. All elementary donors will receive a sweet treat for donating. High school and middle school classes are competing for bragging rights and donuts. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated. Please help us make a difference
Danville Area Community College is looking for male athletes who may have weightlifting experience as well as female athletes to fill their 2022-2023 Season Roster. Male athletes are needed for Tumbling and Stunting, no cheer or dance requirements! Female athletes are needed for all positions. They will be hosting a Tryout Clinic (Tuesday, April 12th) and Tryouts (Thursday, April 14th) at DACC’s Mary Miller Gymnasium from 5-8pm. Tryouts are open to any high school senior or college student interested in attending DACC. Athletes who make the roster will be eligible for a partial athletic scholarship!
This is the last week to purchase Prom tickets! Tables are filling fast, so be sure to come to the office to purchase your tickets!
There are 3 sign-up sheets in the office if you are interested in Laser Tag, a
Dodgeball tournament, or an Escape Room. You are welcome to do all 3, but
sign-ups must be completed by April 14th in order to create schedules.
Questions? See Mrs. Taylor.
The 2021-22 CHS Yearbook is on sale until April 30th. There will be very limited extra yearbooks ordered this year, so if you intend to purchase a yearbook, this may be your only opportunity. Grab a paper order form in the high school office, visit yearbookforever.com, or see Mr. Sowers in person to get your yearbook reserved today.
Covington City Pool is looking for summer help! If you are interested in being a Lifeguard and/or working concessions, pick up an application in the High School office!
Parents: Please send in/email proof of residency for your student (if you haven’t already). Document must have your address and a current date on it. Examples are a current utility bill, telephone bill, tax return, medical bill or similar information that provides a verifiable address with a clearly identified
and readable date.
Baseball 4/12/22 Varsity @ Attica 5:00 pm (A)
4/14/22 Varsity vs. Attica 8:00 pm (H)
JV @ Oakwood 5:30 pm (A)
4/15/22 Varsity @ North Montgomery 6:00 pm (A)
4/16/22 Varsity @ Parke Heritage (DH) 11:00 am (A)
JV @ Southmont 9:00 am (A)
Golf 4/12/22 CHS @ S. Newton/FC @ Rivercrest 5:30 pm (A)
4/14/22 CHS @ Seeger 4:30 pm (A)
4/16/22 CHS Early Bird Scramble 1:00 pm (H)
Softball 4/12/22 Varsity @ Attica 5:00 pm (A)
4/14/22 Varsity vs. Attica 5:00 pm (H)
4/15/22 JV vs. N. Newton 5:30 pm (H)
4/16/22 Varsity @ Parke Heritage (DH) 11:00 am (A)
Girls’ Tennis 4/14/22 CHS @ Seeger 4:30 pm (A)
4/16/22 CHS Invitational 10:00 am (H)
Track & Field 4/12/22 CHS @ Riverton Parke 5:00 pm (A)