Thursday, 10-07-2021
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Covington High School Announcements
The National Honor Society is sponsoring the
“Gloves 4 Kids” drive now until October 19, 2021.
Bring in old or new gloves and drop in the boxes
located at the entrance of both Middle School
& High School as well as the Library.
There will be a Prom Committee meeting tomorrow during Homeroom in the atrium.
Attention all former French students: French club t-shirt order forms are available from Mr. Stockberger. Bring a dollar and get a shirt!!
Applications for the 2022 d’Arlier trip to France are now
available. Please see Mr. Stockberger if you would like one or if you have any questions about the trip. Applications are due
October 29.
Parents: Please send in/email proof of residency for your
student (if you haven’t already). Document must have your
address and a current date on it. Examples are a current utility
bill, telephone bill, tax return, medical bill or similar information
that provides a verifiable address with a clearly identified and readable date.
Any junior or senior interested in meeting with one of the following colleges need to sign up on the google sheet Mrs. Brown shared with you:
10/8 – Ivy Tech
10/28 – DACC
All meetings will be held during homeroom in the glass room.
OCTOBER 12 & 13
October 14 & 15 – NO SCHOOL
Cross County
Football 10/7/21 CHS V. vs. Tri- County 7:00 pm (H)
Soccer (Boys)
Soccer (Girls)
Tennis (Boys) 10/7/21 CHS @ Terre Haute/Regionals 4:30 pm (A)
Volleyball 10/7/21 CHS V/JV vs. Crawfordsville 6:00 pm (H)