Thursday, 02-02-2023
THURSDAY, February 2, 2023
Covington High School Announcements
The Senior Baccalaureate Committee will meet TODAY during Home Room in the Clothing Room.
Covington Crazy Clovers 4-H Club will have their first meeting of the year on Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00 p.m. in Miss Davis’ classroom.
CHS Crazies Dress-Up Themes
2/2- farmers →→→→→→→→→→→→
2/10- pink out
2/18- neon
The 2022-23 CHS Yearbook is on sale now thru April 15th. The cost is $55. You may see Mr. Craig Sowers for an order form, or pick one up in the high school office. You may also order online at yearbookforever.com
Boys Basketball 2/2/23 JV/V @ Fountain Central 6:00 pm (A)
Swimming 2/2/23 CHS Girls/Sectional @ C’ville TBD (A)
2/4/23 CHS Girls/Sectional @ C’ville TBD (A)