Monday, 10-17-2021
Monday, October 17, 2022
Covington High School Announcements
School Pictures and ID cards are in along with Fall Sports pictures. Please see Mrs. Hohenstein inside the Library to pick up your pictures
The Covington doubles team of Myles Potter and Jackson Kindell lost in the opening round of the individual doubles to Park Tudor 2-6, 1-6. Potter and Kindell completed an outstanding season with a record of 24-2. They were selected to the All-District 5 doubles team. Myles Potter set a school record of 88 wins in his 4 year career. Evan Norton was selected to the All-District 5 singles team. CONGRATULATIONS on a GREAT SEASON!
For the eleventh consecutive year, the Covington National Honor Society will be providing a complete Thanksgiving meal to 100 families in our community who are in need. Our cost of the dinner is approximately $25 and all dinners are funded by donations. Those who would like to donate to help supply the meals should contact a NHS member. If you do not know our members, you may mail or bring a check to the high school, or contact the high school office at 765-793-2286 to make alternate arrangements.
Student Council is selling Little Caesars Pizza kits now through
October 20th. Please see Jodee Brown or Carrie Coffing for order details.
First Church of Christ in Covington will be continuing the Coats For Kids ministry this year. The giveaway will be held at the 5th St Church of Christ, October 25-28, with times of 9 am to 4 pm.
If you need more information, please feel free to call the church
office @ 765-793-4439 or email fcofccovington@gmail.com
Any junior or senior interested in meeting with a representative from one of the following colleges need to sign up on the google sheet that was shared with you. All visits will be in the glass room during homeroom.
10/17 – Manchester University
10/18 – Purdue University
11/8 – Franklin College
11/10 – Lakeview School of Nursing
Football 10/21/22 Sectional @ CHS 7:00 pm (H)