Career Fair: The Warren County Learning Center is hosting a career fair for residents of Benton, Fountain and Warren Counties on August 30th, 9 am – 12 pm; 3:30 pm – 6 pm at the Warren County Learning Center (26 E Second St, Williamsport).
Anyone interested in being in Art Club needs to visit Mrs. Kemper now or sometime today for a permission slip
Freshman and Seniors will be ordering from Jostens on Tuesday, Aug. 22 at lunch.
This is the only time they will be here.
Freshmen – if you are interested in helping build the float for homecoming, the sign up sheet is in the HS office.
August 23rd from 6pm to 7pm
August 30th from 6pm to 7pm
Located: 780 US Hwy 136, Veedersburg, IN
*In the white building by the Superintendent’s office, in the Elementary parking lot.
Any junior or senior interested in meeting with a representative from one of the following colleges needs to sign up on the google sheet Mrs. Brown shared with you – please check your email!
Vincennes University – Monday, September 11th
Indiana State University – Tuesday, September 12th
Purdue University – Thursday, October 5th
All meetings are in the glass room during homeroom.
Young ladies between the ages of 16-21 years of age are eligible to compete in the Covington Apple Fest Queen Contest. The deadline to enter is August 23. To receive information, please contact Amy Thompson at 765.585.5945 or The pageant will be held at First Baptist Church at 2 p.m. The Covington Apple Fest will be held September 30. A practice will be held Sunday, August 20 from 2-4 p.m. at First Baptist Church. This practice is not mandatory but is encouraged.
The Boys Tennis team placed 2nd in the West Vigo Tournament Saturday.
Urban Roarks was #1 singles champion. This is the third straight year he has won in singles. Carson Schaeffer went 1-1 and Luke Holycross went 1-1. The doubles team fell 0-2.
Cross Country8/22/23Varsity @ West Lafayette5:30 pm (A)
8/26/23Varsity @ Riverton Parke9:00 am (A)
Football8/25/23Varsity vs. South Newton7:30 pm (H)
Golf (Girls)8/21/23Varsity @ Fountain Central 4:30 pm (A)
8/22/23Varsity @ South Vermillion4:45 pm (A)
8/24/23Varsity @ South Newton5:30 pm (A)
Soccer (Boys)8/21/23Varsity @ West Vigo5:30 pm (A)
8/26/23Varsity vs. Southmont10:00 am (H)
Soccer(Girls)8/22/23Varsity @ West Vigo6:00 pm (A)
8/24/23Varsity @ Bethesda Christian5:00 pm (A)
8/26/23Varsity vs. Southmont12:00 pm (H)
Tennis (Boys)8/21/23Varsity vs. South Vermillion5:00 pm (H)