Monday, 01-24-2022
Monday, January 24, 2022
Covington High School Announcements
Honor jacket fitting is TODAY during homeroom. Please check the list on the guidance office window. An email reminder will be sent
Students may check the lists on the guidance office window for Honor Jacket, chevron, and honor pin award winners. If you think you earned an award and you are not listed, please check with Mrs. Myers or Mrs. Brown.
Congratulations to the girls swim team on their WRC accomplishments. Both relay teams set a new school record and Bernadette Goeppner set a new school record in the 200 Free and 100 butterfly. Ashlynn Livengood finished second in diving and third in the 50 free while Bernadette finished third in the 100 fly.
Tuesday, January 25th – all 9th graders will be taking the PSAT 8:00-11:45 (they will not be in class periods 1 through homeroom). Do not turn students in as absent – the teachers testing will send Stephanie absences.
Wednesday, Feb 2nd – Doug’s Studio will be here to take senior portraits.
Thursday, Feb 3rd – all 10th graders will attend the CTE/vocational presentation at 1:00 (in the MPR) – should last about 45 minutes.
Wednesday, March 2nd – all 11th graders will be taking the SAT (state accountability test).
Doug’s Studio will be here from 10:00 am to approximately 1:00pm on Wednesday, February 2nd to take senior portraits. These pictures are for the yearbook, wall composite, and announcing graduates in the newspapers. Please be sure to dress appropriately (guys in collared shirts and ties and girls school appropriate). If you are absent that day, you will need to contact Doug’s Studio to set up an appointment to get your picture taken.
Parents: Please send in/email proof of residency for your
student (if you haven’t already). Document must have your
address and a current date on it. Examples are a current utility
bill, telephone bill, tax return, medical bill or similar information
that provides a verifiable address with a clearly identified and readable date.
BOYS’ BASKETBALL 1/28/22 JVBB @ North Vermillion 6:00 pm (A)
VBB @ North Vermillion 7:30 pm (A)
GIRLS’ BASKETBALL 1/25/21 JVGBB vs. Southmont 6:00 pm (H)
VGBB vs. Southmont 7:30 pm (H)
1/27/22 JVGBB @ Rossville 6:00 pm (A)
VGBB @ Rossville 7:30 pm (A)
WRESTLING 1/29/22 CHS @ Sectionals 9:00 am (A)