Friday, 03-10-2023
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023
Covington High School Announcements
Covington Crazy Clovers next 4-H meeting will be Tuesday, March 14th at 6:00 in Miss Davis’ classroom.
Students- if you do not have a parking permit, please see Officer Feazel as soon as possible. Her desk is in the High School Atrium.
Sophomores & Juniors: reminder that CTE/Vocational applications are due TODAY!
Today is the last day for food pantry donations! The boxes are located in the Atrium.
Any junior or senior interested in meeting with a representative from Ivy Tech on April 11th during homeroom needs to sign up on the google sheet shared by Mrs. Brown.
Cheer tryout packets are available in the office for the 2023-2024 season. Practices begin Monday, March 27th with tryouts on Friday, April 7th. Girls in grades 8-12 can sign up, and pick up a packet that includes more information and tasks to be completed before the first practice. Questions can be sent to Dottie at
Thank you to the students who willingly donated to the
Blood Drive!! You are AWESOME & we appreciate you!
The 2022-23 CHS Yearbook is on sale now thru April 15th. The cost is $50. You may see Mr. Craig Sowers for an order form, or pick one up in the high school office. You may also order online at