Friday, 02-03-2023
FRIDAY, February 3, 2023
Covington High School Announcements
Wow! What an amazing atmosphere last night! Thank you to everyone who came out to support Covington Basketball! I know that there were so many hands involved to make this happen and I seriously thank each and every one of you.
Students, thank you for showing up and showing out! You definitely outdid their student section and with class! It was great to see all of you supporting Covington and representing our school with tremendous pride!
Thank you to our administration, office staff, teachers, bus drivers, and local businesses for making this possible. Last night showed what makes Covington so great!
GO TROJANS! – Mr. Morgan
CONGRATULATIONS to Lincoln Gearheart and Clyde Keller who placed 1st in the district FFA welding contest. The team advanced to the state contest, finishing 11th overall in the beginning division. Clyde Keller finished 15th overall individual. GREAT JOB!!
FFA members important meeting, Monday during homeroom. check your student email for additional information.
Covington Crazy Clovers 4-H Club will have their first meeting of the year on Monday, February 6th at 6:00 p.m. in Miss Davis’ classroom.
CHS Crazies Dress-Up Themes
2/2- farmers →→→→→→→→→→→→
2/10- pink out
2/18- neon
The 2022-23 CHS Yearbook is on sale now thru April 15th. The cost is $55. You may see Mr. Craig Sowers for an order form, or pick one up in the high school office. You may also order online at
Swimming 2/4/23 CHS Girls/Sectional @ C’ville TBD (A)