Bulletin #25, 02-24-2023
Read Around America Week!
Mar. 1st. – Wacky Wednesday (dress crazy)
Mar. 2nd – Top Hat Thursday (wear a hat)
Mar. 3rd- Snoozy Friday (wear pajamas)
Second and Third grade students will be taking the IREAD 3 the week of March 6th. An informational letter was sent home the first week of February. Please contact the office or your child’s teacher if you have further questions. We are not concerned about this test and know that our students will do just fine if they take their time and do their best. We are very proud of our kiddos and the progress they make from year to year.
Fannie May orders are due on Feb. 28th
Spring Break – March 20th – 26th.
Flex Days 3/16 & 3/17
Yearbooks for 2022-2023 are on sale now until
3/15 YB are $15/each
Fine Arts Night – April 14th @ 6 pm
(more info. to come! )
Grandparent’s Day – sponsored by PTO
April 17th 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Kindergarten Round -Up
April 27th
6:00 pm
Parents please call the attendance line and report your child’s absence and reason for the absence.
Transportation changes need to be sent to the child’s teacher via note.
If your child is not a regular bus rider they will not be able to ride the bus for reasons such as sleepovers or birthday pirates. Due to limited space on the bus.
Crossing Guards and Car Rider Doors will be available from 7:50-8:00 in the morning. After this time, please drive to the front of the building and drop off your child.
Background Checks for field trips must be done before the day of the field trip. The process only takes one to two minutes and you will need your driver’s license. These background checks are good until the end of each semester. There is no cost to you.