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Covington Community School Corporation
 Friday, 02-24-2023

FRIDAY,  February 24, 2023          

Covington High School Announcements

 National FFA WEEK; Celebrate Agriculture!

FFA members, team sign up is now open for Sundays chapter cornhole tournament. Check your email for the form. Prize drawings and pizza. Who will  be this year’s champion!

  • Student Council is hosting a canned food and toiletries drive for our local food pantry.  Any canned/dry food goods that are not expired can be brought in.  The food pantry is in very high need of toiletries (deodorants, toothpaste, soaps…..basically anything else that you use in the bathroom).  
    • We will be hosting a competition CLASS VS CLASS.  The class with the MOST items will win an all class prize from us.  We will begin the food/toiletry drive tomorrow and end on Friday MARCH 10th (3 weeks).
    • You will find boxes in the atrium (labeled 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade).  As you come into school, place your item in the correct box for your grade level.  Daily each item will be counted.
  • Senior class meeting on March 2nd during Homeroom.  More information to follow!
  • Any junior or senior interested in meeting with a representative from Ivy Tech on April 11th during homeroom needs to sign up on the google sheet shared by Mrs. Brown.
  • Any Junior or Sophomore wanting to participate in a CTE program for the first time, or the first year of a CTE program, MUST COMPLETE THE CTE APPLICATION.  FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE THE EMAIL THAT MRS. MYERS SENT ON JAN. 31ST.


Covington High School is hosting a Blood Drive on Wed. March 8 from 8:00 – 1:00.

If you are 17 or older and weigh at least 120 lbs, we need your blood. Did you know that your blood can save 3 lives?   Please sign up with Miss Davis today.

The 2022-23 CHS Yearbook is on sale now thru April 15th.  The cost is $50.  You may see Mr. Craig Sowers for an order form, or pick one up in the high school office.  You may also order online at yearbookforever.com


Boys Basketball 2/24/23 JV/V @ Crawfordsville 6:00 pm (A)

Covington Community School Corporation
601 Market Street
Covington, IN. 47932
- Phone: 765-793-4877
- Fax: 765-793-5209
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